Don't want to miss a day but can't get to the gym?
Try this at home workout! This can easily be modified for all my pregnant ladies. Grab a friend or your spouse. Exercise is always better together!
Day 1
45 seconds each exercise (go as hard as you can for 45 seconds) || Rest for 25 seconds || Do 3 rounds.
- Basic Burpee (you can walk your feet in + out for a modified version.)
- Walk-Ups (push up to your hands from your forearms, then release back down)
- Jumping Lunges (modification: alternating forward lunge)
- Bicycles - try to bring your elbows to the outside of your knee as you twist)
- High Knees (try to keep your arms in the air. This is a great pelvic floor exercise.)
- Superman Plank (Get into a plank position on your hands + toes, keep your core tight. Lift opposite arm and opposite leg. Drop to your knees for a modification)
Day 2
1 min each exercise (no rest between exercises) || Rest for 1min || Do 3 rounds.
- Squat w/ alternating Rear Leg Extension
- Basic Burpee
- Side Plank (switch at 30secs mark)
- Tricep Pushups (do as many on your feet as you can, then drop to the knees)
- Alternating Forward Lunge
- Plank
Day 3
4 x 20secs on 10sec off of each exercise, the move on to the next || Repeat 2-3 rounds
- In & Out Squat Jumps (squat knees + toes together, jump and land in a squat with feet apart. J
ump, land with knees and feet together, repeat)
- Mountain Climber Pushup
- Walk-Ups
- Plank Jacks
- Burpee w/Tuck Jump
- Lateral Alternating Side Lunge - Squat Jump in the Middle